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How to use Wi-R

Build unique smart devices with Ixana's Wi-R Body Internet Platform

Why use Wi-R?

Search Button100x Lower energyWi-R is 100x lower energy compared to Bluetooth/Wi-Fi leading to long battery-life
Search Button10x lower latencySimilar to any wired communication, Wi-R has <1ms latency.
Search Button10x faster vs BluetoothProduct Wi-R chips operate at 5Mbit/s. 20 Mbit/s chips tested in lab.
Search ButtonInbuilt physical securitySignal is only confined in a bubble around you. Someone next to you doesn't even have access to the signal
Use Cases

A few applications

Explore Our Cutting-Edge Product Lineup

Ixana's products solve the problems of power, data rate, and link robustness that limit today's wearables

Future Wi-R products

Contact us at hello@ixana.ai for volume pricing on silicon chips and modules
20Mbit/s Wi-R ChipSampling later in 2024
Wi-R Audio/Video SoCMade for smartglasses and hearables
Wi-R EXG sensor platform
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